Springers Solars 10 part series guiding you through the need to knows of 12V Electrics. Watch as Eddie Springer explains how to optimise your on and off-road experiences so you never run out of power! The series explains how to care for your batteries, the correct way to run a dual battery system, how to correctly manage your energy draw; also how to choose the right solar panel, regulator and inverter for your needs. Please feel free to use the Contact form at the bottom at the page with any questions you may have.
RV Daily Issue 028
Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics: PART 1
Our first instalment of the new Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics is all about batteries - how they work and how to care for yours so that you can get the most out of it...
RV Daily Issue 029
Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics: PART 2
Lithium Batteries
This guide will give you the pros and cons of lithium batteries and why they might actually be the most economical choice...
RV Daily Issue 030
Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics: PART 3
Dual Batteries
If you are towing a caravan, setting up the tow vehicle correctly is crucial for a functioning battery system in your van...
RV Daily Issue 031
Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics: PART 4
Energy Draw
Do you know how much energy your appliances draw from your battery system? If you don't it is time to find out...
RV Daily Issue 032
Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics: PART 5
Solar Panels
Don't let those sunny days go to waste - we tell you how to pick the best solar panel for your RV
RV Daily Issue 033
Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics: PART 6
Solar Regulators
And how to make sure your Panels don't draw it back out!
RV Daily Issue 034
Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics: PART 7
Not everything that we take camping can run on 12v or gas. This is where DC to AC Inverters are invaluable.
RV Daily Issue 035
Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics: PART 8
Putting it all together
The installation is the last step in the process in ensuring you have enough power to sustain your life on the road
RV Daily Issue 036
Springers Solar Guide to 12V Electrics: PART 9
Top 5: 12-Volt Questions Answered
Answering all the common 12-Volt Questions we receive!