P.I.R. Sensor Motion Switch
The DCMotion can be used in a number of situations like yacht or ship engine rooms, undercover truck loading bays or RV applications. The ePOWER DCMotion-L is a motion activated LED lamp for 12v and 24v systems for which a Passive Infra-Red Detector (PIR) is used. This unit has a built in high efficiency Power CREE LED (1 Watt). The DCMotion-L switches the load as soon as motion is detected. If no motion is detected any more the DCMotion-L switches off with a delay. The delay time can be set by way of an internal potentiometer. This is done in steps of 5 seconds. The minimum delay time is 5 seconds and the maximum delay time is 60 seconds. Default is a delay time of about 30 seconds. The load will be disconnected 30 seconds after the last motion is detected.
Off-Grid Systems
Tiny Houses
More about Enerdrive:
Enerdrive Pty Ltd has been providing independent power systems to the Australian market since 1996. Starting as Advance Trident Limited in 2003 and predominantly servicing the marine industry, ATL saw the huge growth potential in the mobile and recreational vehicle market soon after, and in 2008 ATL Limited morphed into Enerdrive. In recent times Enerdrive has embarked on its own manufacturing program. They saw the need to control their own destiny and produce high-end products that the Australian marketplace was demanding. This program has led to Enerdrive manufacturing their own range of ePOWER AC Battery Chargers & DC2DC Battery Chargers along with Lithium battery systems.