The Benefits of Installing a Solar System on Your Home

Home solar systems can provide massive financial, environmental, and property value benefit.

We all understand the importance of electricity - we need it to power our homes. Lighting, temperature control, and all our other usual household appliances rely on electricity to function, and the list of energy consumers grows every year as technology continues to advance. The demand for electricity in Australia is consistently on the rise, which results in ever-growing power prices. The increased cost of electricity has resulted in many homeowners choosing to install a solar system to lower their power bills without reducing power consumption.

Solar energy is one of the most affordable and easiest alternatives to conventional coal-fired power. Solar is renewable and relies on the sun to produce electricity. A well-designed solar system converts solar into usable electricity so you can power your home during the day while the sun is shining.

More Australian homeowners are opting for solar with every passing year due to the range of welcome benefits a solar system offers. Read on to see the key advantage points of solar.

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Saves You Money By Reducing Your Electricity Bill

With a solar system connected to your property, the electricity provided from the system during the day will offset your daytime grid-power consumption, resulting in decreased consumption from the grid and thus reducing your electricity bill. 

The only times your home will need to draw on the grid is at night, during poor weather where the sun isn’t shining, or when your home is consuming more electricity than your solar can generate. All of these factors could be overcome with the addition of a solar battery (read more about batteries here), but a stand-alone solar system will only generate power during the day. 

A reputable solar installer will ensure that your solar system has been designed and installed to minimise some of these factors. For example, solar panels and inverters/microinverters can be chosen based on their shading performance, and the size of your solar system should reflect your home’s power consumption. 

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It is ideal to opt for a larger solar system than you may need at your current moment, for several reasons. First, while installing a larger solar system will be a larger investment, it reduces your reliance on the grid further and lowers (or can eliminate!) your power bill.

Secondly, by installing a larger system now it accommodates for future power consumption or energy users that may be added in the future. If you’re thinking about installing solar batteries, EV chargers, pools, or other large energy consumers later down the track, installing a larger system now will save you from having to expand your system in future (which is costly).

Thirdly, the larger your system means the more STCs you can claim, which is Australia’s solar rebate, or “discount”. Learn more about STCs here.

The initial investment in solar can be daunting, but the savings generated from your power bill result in an average payback period of 4-5 years. With some solar panels offering over 20-year warranties, the financial benefit over the long term is a no-brainer.

Read about Gavin and Judy's experience installing a 15.5kW solar and battery system at their Brisbane home here. Their payback period is only four years!

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Solar Increases Your Property Value

An Origin Energy survey in 2018 found that more than 75% of Australians believe that homes with solar systems are more valuable than homes without solar, and over 57% of home buyers would pay up to $10,000 more for a home with a solar system still within warranty. 

Installing solar can benefit your property’s resale value while also benefitting you financially while you’re still living in it. 

Reduces Your Home’s Carbon Footprint and Environmental Impact

Conventional grid electricity has a multitude of environmental implications. Coal-fired power is a major contributor to air pollution, as the burning of fossil fuels results in harmful greenhouse gas emissions being released into the atmosphere. A solar system does not produce any emissions when generating electricity, and your decreased reliance on the grid results in a lowered carbon footprint. 

By choosing solar, the average Australian household saves between 0.5 to 1 tonne of CO2 being released into the atmosphere for every mWh of solar energy used. For context, the average Australian household produces between 15 to 20 tonnes of emissions per year. 

Want to cut all ties with the grid and be completely self-sustainable? Read how this North Brisbane property has eliminated their grid-usage emissions with an off-grid solar system. 

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Solar Can Only Save You Money If You Choose a Reputable and
Long-Standing Installer

When proceeding with solar, selecting a reliable and thorough solar installer is of the utmost importance. The solar industry is fraught with companies whose only aim is to sell as many solar systems as possible and will provide you with an un-unique design, installed by subcontractors, and little after-sale support. 

Always choose an installer that has been trading for at least 10-15 years. A long-standing installer will be able to honour their warranties and service guarantees. A ‘solar orphan’ is someone whose installer has fallen out of business and thus has no points of contact for warranty claims or system support.

Unfortunately, this often means solar orphans are forced to fork out more for repairs and service requests, so it’s wise to choose an installer who is well-established in the industry to be sure your system will be looked after for decades to come. 

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Solar installers should complete a site inspection and analysis of your energy needs to design and install a system that will best serve your energy goals. On-site inspections also help you to avoid hidden fees or additional costs that may be pounced upon you come the day of the installation (as pricing is always subject to a site inspection).

Have a detailed and thorough conversation with your installer about your current energy needs and future energy goals so that the installer can design a system that will serve you for years to come.

In summary, the most important things to look for when selecting an installer are evidence of customer testimonials focused on reliability and honesty, a high standard of workmanship, warranty periods, and quality components. 

Springers Solar | Queensland's Most Experienced Solar Installer

Springers Solar provides quality components with proven performance, backed by industry-leading warranties, and dedicated after-sales support. Thousands of satisfied customers over more than 20 years of operation make Springers Solar one of the most established and experienced solar companies in Australia.

Springers Solar has received multiple awards for design and installation and is a certified/preferred installer for a large range of solar panel, inverter, and solar battery manufacturers, including Tesla, REC, and SolarEdge.

Our dedicated in-house team of electrical engineers, project managers, solar PV designers, solar installers and electricians work closely with you before, during, and long after your project is completed. Springers Solar offers an industry-leading 10-year workmanship warranty which is a testament to our qualified staff and offers you outstanding value and peace of mind.

Visit our About Us page here!

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