99.9kW Solar Installation on a Curved Roof - Club Pine Rivers

Club Pine Rivers is now fitted with a 99.9kW solar installation to aid in their efforts to become a more sustainable Club!

Many Queensland businesses are working to implement new greener business strategies and strengthen sustainability efforts, but few follow through to the extent of Club Pine Rivers. This Club is now fitted with 99.9kW of solar to help the establishment maximise their renewable energy consumption and save on their energy bills as an added bonus. 

"We're pushing towards becoming a very green club and are doing a lot of things in the green space," said CEO of Club Pine Rivers, Steve Ratcliffe. 

$18 659 reduction in annual bill
4 YEAR Payback Period 
24.5% ROI

270x SolarEdge 370W Panels
Clenergy Mounting System
1x SolarEdge 3ph Inverter

In October, Springers Solar installed 270x 370W SolarEdge Smart modules along with an 82.8kW three phase inverter at the establishment after proposing the project earlier in the year.

"We are really glad we chose Springers. We put the tender out to five different companies and not only did Springers have best proposal presented, but the way the entire project was delivered was spectacular," Steven added. 

Eddie, a Director at Springers Solar, worked the team at Club Pine Rivers to design the best optimised energy solution for the facility to help meet their unique energy requirements. The curved roof required specialised engineering and design to ensure the structural integrity of the site and to optimise the space available. Springers installed Clenergy's Commercial Tilt Mounting System to execute this challenging installation safely and effectively.  

Odoo CMS - a big picture

Being a large award-winning establishment, an enormous amount of power is consumed to keep the facility up and running, from lighting to air conditioning to screens and refrigeration. Therefore, a key goal of the project was to design a system that could significantly lower the Club's annual energy bills.

This new system is set to save the club upwards of $18 500 a year by sourcing a huge portion of the establishment's daily energy consumption from solar. While this system has only been operation for a month, it is estimated to produce roughly 164 MWh's on energy a year!

While the Club has already cemented themselves as part of the green movement with efforts to reduce water usage and general waste, their initiative to install solar truly identifies them as part of the commercial clean energy solution. This system is set to save 131.2t of C02 emissions from the Club over it's lifetime which roughly equivalates to 6 026 trees planted.  

Odoo CMS - a big picture

Springers Solar will continue to manage and monitor this system for it's lifetime through SolarEdge's panel-level monitoring platform. This 24/7 monitoring software allows the after-sales team to track the Club's usage and performance to ensure the system continues to perform well into the future.

"The extra service we got from Springers was second to none; they even went a step further and put a cover over the inverter which we weren't expecting..."

"We would recommend Springers to anyone who wants to use them." said Steve.

If you are looking to identify your business as part of the clean energy solution and show your commitment to sustainability through visible and measurable efforts, you can call us on (07) 3889 8898 or leave your details below.

Contact Us for a Free Quote

You can call us today, or fill out the form below for one of our experienced staff members to call you and discuss the quote. If you prefer an emailed response please make a note of that in the message. Make sure you also let us know what suburb you are from too

(07) 3889 8898


704 Gympie Rd
Lawnton, QLD 4501

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